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Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:59 pm Post subject: Bingo Billy / House Players / Non Depositers Winning
these are mine and others posts on another forum about bingo billy.
Several of the following posts originated at OBN and were copied to BPU by author:
Robin (author) Said at OBN and copied to BPU:
I would like to give my opinion of a site called Bingo Billy. But first I would like to be truthful about everything that happened. First off my daughter who is 15 years old is the one that was playing at this site. No she was not given permission and we are dealing with that. Once I was made aware of the charges on my bill I contacted Bingo Billy and was met with some very rude people. I was told they were a big company and traded on nasdaq or whatever that is. I asked how it was that a red flag wasn't sent up when 400 in deposits were made in a 4 hr period and i was told that they were not my childs babysitter and if I even thought about disputing anything they would black list me somehow. Thats not what this post is about. I just wanted to make this part known in case they come back at me with this for speaking up about what i've seen happening on their website.
I asked my daughter how in the world she could have spent that amount of money in such a short period of time and she said mom I never meant to do that but I got so mad and so caught up in it I was acting out of spite. She said that she went to the site because of the 10 free bonus which she informed me anyone could get over and over again. She said that she won a couple of times with the first deposit but all of a sudden the same people started winning over and over again. She said that people were complaining about OOC people winning all of the time and people getting the free bonus winning without depositing. I asked what that meant and she said it was people who were out of chat. I decided to see what she was talking about and opened an account. I had asked that the account she used be closed so I kind of thought I wouldn't be able to open one but even tho it tells you what your ip is when claiming the 10 free bonus you are able to claim it over and over again. I spent a lot of time watching the winners and sure enough the same names that she gave me were winning nonstop. someone with a red4040 won just about ever other game and when they weren't winning it was 2 - 3 others that kept popping up in between. Another thing I found odd was that the player number would go up and down. It would be 12 one time or 17 the next but the pots were always staying between 35 - 42 dollars. Wouldn't they go down a little here and there when people dropped out and go up when more played ? Instead they always stayed around the same. I also watched the deposit bonuses that were popped up constantly. Everytime you turned around they were giving 150 % bonuses on deposits. After reading the rules for cashing out I am wondering how you could ever get so ahead of the bonus that you would be able to cash out with the rules applied. I wish it had been me playing at this site because this post would probably be taken more seriously but I do have to say that everything I was told I did see for myself. Just take some time and watch the winners at this site and listen to the complaining from players before you decide to deposit and beware of all thos too good to be true deposit bonuses because they could make it impossible for you to cash in.
Robin520 (author) posted following at OBN and copied to BPU:
I am learning very quickly that some of these sites are not what they appear to be. Very quick to take your money one way or another. I was talking to another player at bingo billy and she said the same thing. Same people winning all the time which she referred to them as house players. She said they actually have people that play with the sites money so that when they win it stays with them and they also win all of the players money that played in that game. I visited the site for a 3 hour period on 4 different days and nights and it never failed that the same 3 - 4 people were winning. One was always in chat and the others were there off and on. What i couldn't understand was how the pots didn't change. As soon as the next game would start it would always be close to the same amount each time yet the amount of players would fluctuate. It doesn't make sense to me that 5 players would all of a sudden quit playing and the others knew to play more cards. I don't know quite how to explain what I'm trying to say but when the next game comes up and the pot is right around the same amount as the last one shouldn't it have gone down when players dropped out ? Then it would shoot back up to 17 players and the pot was still around the same. And many complaints about non depositors winning. Right now I could go sign up over and over again and get the 10 free bonus and you better believe I'm going to win. I'm going to win because they want to reel me in and get me to deposit. They win even if I don't deposit because I've just stolen the other players money by winning and they will never have to worry about any payout because you did not deposit. I think it's great that sites give out a bonus to try their site but I think it should be done in a different way. You should be able to play so that you get the feel for the site but you should come up as a player that has not deposited and you should be given some kind of bonus points towards depositing instead of being allowed to take a win away from a real player and in all reality giving it back to the house. I think there will be more people complaining about this site once they find this forum because I heard many unhappy players while I watched what was going on.
i agree 100 % bingoforme it's just frustrating to have a gut feeling about a place and not be able to do anything about it. unless you can prove that it's house players winning which is near impossible the odds of your walking away a winner or atleast even isn't going to happen at a place like bingo billy. and like i was told by bingo billy's employees they are a very big and powerful company so us little folk are nothing but a whisper in the wind when it comes to fighting back.
Posted at OBN by Bunnyfun and copied to BPU by Robin520::
Definetly something not right about this site....played there about 5 or 6 times now, in hopes that maybe I was wrong about it. Nope, it's still the same. Played there off and on from the day they opened. Seems same group wins over and over. And I even maxed cards many times. With less than 10 players in the games at times and same winners 6 of 10 games, that screams to me..'GIVE UP' and find some place else to play.
Robin (author) posted at OBN and copied to BPU:
i absolutelyagree with you. i really didn't expect them to give me the money back i just wanted to let them know that red flags should have went up from the amount of money that was spent in just a little bit of time. they were the most rudest people i have ever encountered. there was no need to bully me with their being a big powerful company that trades on nasdaq that had nothing to do with the issues i was having. and then to tell me they would blacklist me from wherever it is you blacklist people was uncalled for. once things settled down and my anger passed i talked with my daughter and thats when i figured out what this site was about. she said mom i just got so mad that the same people were winning over and over again and i couldn't understand why the pot didn't match the players. she said she would see that it dropped down to say 12 players but the pot was the same amount. then more players would join and it was the amount. if with fewer players and max card buying she never had a chance. the cards are definately stacked against the players at this site. i wish it was me that was playing when this happened because i would be screaming my lungs at anyone would listen. get a piece of paper and keep track of the winners in a 2 hour period and you will see that it's just too much of a coincidence that the same people are winning. and someone won the 9000 jp on a previous saturday ... i wonder which HOUSE PLAYER was the lucky winner of that.
Posted by BunnyFun at OBN and copied at BPU by Robin520:
well I agree with you on house spend that much money and not win is definetly a warning bell. I just dropped about 80 in one hr yesterday, not even a i'll move on and say to them..I hope people get wise to ya.
Robin 520 (author) posted this at OBN and copied to BPU:
400 was dropped in a 4 hour period and i think it was 2 cents left in the account. you know you sit here thinking could it be that were all just sore losers but honestly thats not what it is. everyone is going to lose at some time or another but to lose to the same house players / winners over and over again is just too much to comprehend. is there anywhere else that this can be posted. i really would like to warn as many people as possible about this site. and did you happen to be there when people were complaining about out of chat people winning ? i was there one time when this one guy complained about it and all of a sudden he quit chatting. the next day he popped up under another alias reaming the chat moderator that he was banned because he was complaining. she told him that was enough and you never heard from hm again. and then this girl started complaining about not receiving her bb's and when they checked they came back on and said because she didn't deposit any money and was playing on the free bonus she wouldn't get them. people were flipping out. one girl said thank you very much i was waiting and playing with my last couple of dollars when you took that last pot away from me. well she didn't really take it away from her. bingo billy took it away from her because that money in the pot and everyone that played in that game lost their money when she won because it will never go anywhere but back in bingo billy's rich and powerful bank account. i really have to quit going back there and watching whats going on because it is really beginning to pee me off.
Edited by Sissy to allow recognition to OBN as these posts originated there.
Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 2:48 pm Post subject:
Billy Bingo is a sister site of I-Bingo, a canadian based bingo site that has been on the net for many yrs and so far I have heard very little negatvie comments about it. They seem to take very good care of their customers.
Bingo Billy is the one in question, and Nasdaq or not, don't make them reputable. I have noticed something else about this place, they have had a huge turnover in a very short time of chat host. Deb and Mark run the place and seems they don't keep any other host for very long....makes you go hmmmmmm don't it?
Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 3:14 pm Post subject: Bingo Billy / House Players / Non Depositers Winning
sorry to have mistaken billy bingo for bingo billy. i've noticed alot of these sites have many other sites with different or switched around names to make you think it's a different site. i guess thats what you call sister sites. see that i'm learning. and i am glad to see that others are learning also. bingo billy is not on the up and up. i think they must make employees sign something stating they will not talk about what goes on at the site they work at because as someone else pointed out below bingo billy cannot keep their employees. that says something right there. some people are just to honest to be a part of something like this. from what i've gathered from my own experience and others playing at bingo billy is that this site is all about ripping off unsuspecting players and making their big powerful company richer. i think i'll go back one last time and see if we've got a new list of winners errr i mean house players. they've probably caught on that people are catching on and it's time to invent some more winning players with different alias names.
Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:52 pm Post subject: Bingo Billy / Billy Bingo
i guess cm debi doesn't know what her site is called. if you go here and look at the bottom of her sales pitch you will see that she calls her site bingo billy and billy bingo. i found her posting on the CM of the year forum website.
Link Removed ( Old/Invalid)
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 12:03 am Post subject: CM mark and Debi having fun
this is really very funny. mark posted on CM of the year acting like he was a player and CM debi replied to him. see how easy it is for house players to act as tho they are just one of us players. if they don't have a problem doing this then what else are they capable of.
1 Posts
Posted - Jul 16 2005 : 05:20:36
I found this really great site to play at. They have really great cm's there fun chat games and the fastest payouts i have ever seen.
its really great. i'm so happy i found a site to play at that wont give me a hard time when i want to cashout...
Edited by - mark on Jul 16 2005 05:24:08
Posted - Jul 25 2005 : 20:39:07
Hi , I just wanted to reply to this .
Yes we are a new site and yes the pots are small right now ,but that is because we are so new.
Let me explain why the pots are so low or zero when new players come into the game.
We at BingoBilly want the players to build the pots, we want this to be your site and the players win there own money that they're putting into the pots, we WONT put fake players into our game to buy cards, that's not fair to the paying customers now is it ?
I do want to clear one thing up here tho,
We do offer 5 bbs to anyone that submits a review on Whichbingo whether it be good or bad. It's just our way of thanking you and letting you know we appreciate all of you for your input.
I also want to apologize to anyone that might have been offended by that.
Yours Truly
Your Chat Manager
Edited by - CMDebi on Jul 26 2005 11:03:17
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 12:09 am Post subject: CM Debi and Mark
i forgot to mention that bingo billy will pay all players at their site 5 bb's if they give a good opinion of their site. well they also said that they would give them for bad opinions also but i'll bet the bad ones chat goes poof pretty quick. this debi and mark are a real bunch of retards and theives if you ask me
Posted - Aug 04 2005 : 12:58:58
I went to Bingo Billy and while I was there I found NO CM working and no one playing the games.
I also sent an email asking them if there was a CM so that I can be there when they are and they replied that there WAS a CM working at the time I was there.
Well I went to every room multiple times for 1 hour and did not find anyone there.
I told them that and they INSISTED THAT 'I' was WRONG over and over and also told me that IF I emailed them back NICELY I would get 100% bonus on my next deposit. ?? lol ??
The person in charge even said that THEY were in the rooms.
I find that hard to believe and think its an outright LIE.
Terrible to lie directly to someone when I KNOW when I was there and which rooms I went into for one whole hour.
Seems fishy to me.
And the person who started this thread 'MARK' is a CM there, and they give out free bbs for those who post their NICE remarks here.
Not right in my book.
Posted - Aug 05 2005 : 02:07:00
hi! Well I did NOT get the 2 confused as I used the link from HERE to signup and play.
I'm sure I was just BLIND that day and didn't see anyone, but its OK, you have the right to defend what I said even tho I am not lying, why would I ? Just putting in my 2cents worth, thats all.
Hope things get better there.
Have a nice day!
4 Posts
Posted - Aug 06 2005 : 01:26:55
I don't normally post things on the forums, but I thought I should post this. I understand you are a new site. I've recently been looking for a new 'home' to play at. So I went and tried your site out. I was in chat for a couple of games before the try out money got deposited into my account. The same person won all 3 games. I said to myself, well it's not my money, I will try out the site anyway. So I went ahead and played 4 cards for 2 games....the same person one of the games I was in and a different person won the top of the hour game.....I played a couple more games....and the same person won I blew my last $2 on the last game, needless to say, the same person won again. So it seemed awfully fishy to me that the same person was winning time and time again with only about 5 or 6 people playing in the game.
My search continues for a new bingo 'home' to play at.
I appreciate the $5 bonus to let me try your site, however, I won't both wasting my hard-earned money to deposit there. It's too much of a risk. I haven't been back there since. I understand some people are lucky....but THAT lucky?
Author Topic Page: 1 2 of 2
Posted - Aug 06 2005 : 07:12:26
I personally would not play at a site which is as rude as CM Debi was to ladybingo in this thread. Instead of trying to find what the problem is, and correct it, she has flat out called ladybingo a liar. Yep, just the kinda site i would want to deal with! Not! By the way, when i went to bingobilly, about a month ago, (maybe less) there was No One in the Rooms! So i am sure ladybingo is telling the truth here.
Posted - Aug 09 2005 : 03:21:02
Ok firstly I didn't attack anyone, she is the one that attacked LabyBingo by saying there was a chat host in the room, now I think if there were someone in there wouldn't she have seen them? I hate when people from sites come here and call others liars for thier opinions and you are no exception. The post was made by someone stating what happened to them, so why say they are wrong? You could very well be wrong yourself, it is a possibility isn't it? You cannot tell me someone plays at a site 7 days a week for 13 or more hours per day. Everyone has thier own opinion about a site and that was hers, so why attack her and call her a liar? It just makes you and the site look bad in the long run. After reading all of this I would never play there no matter what, especially when someone that works at the site calls a player a liar, just not kosher.

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